Blog Posts
Updates on SPARSHA Nepal events, happenings, seminars and outreach…

Asia Pacific AIDS and Co-infection Conference 6-10 June 2023, Singapore
Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre#apacc2023 #singapore #vaame #representing SPARSHA Nepal InAsia Pacific AIDS and Co-infection Conference 6-10 June 2023, Singapore#wonderfullearning #experience APACC 2023 APACC 2023 was held as a hybrid conference...

Annual Meeting of STAG-HHS in South-East Asia Region
Sr. Program Manager of SPARSHA Nepal, Prawchan Kc participating in The “Annual Meeting of STAG-HHS in South-East Asia Region and Joint Consultation with National Programme Managers.” which is being held in Srilanka from 13 – 15th of June.
#sparshanepal #sparshacare #WHO #STAG #SouthAsia #nepal